Jul 17, 2016


Write a paragraph about ARSENIC PROBLEM by answering the questions below: 
What is arsenic?
What disease it lead to?
What is the source of arsenic?
How do people get affected by arsenic?
How can we prevent it?
Arsenic problem is a very familiar matter in Bangladesh. A chemical element, arsenic is highly poisonous when found in an excessive level with water. It causes arsenicosis, a disease leading to poisoning of the body and black spots. Poisoning by arsenic is a slow process. When people drink water from tube-well containing arsenic, they begin to show symptoms and become unwell. Long-term poisoning might cause also death of the sufferers. People can, however, get rid of this disease by drinking water from a source that contains no arsenic. To ensure this, the tube-wells should be tested and painted green if safe and red if unsafe. Eating a healthy balanced diet, ideally containing fish and vegetables is also considered an initial treatment for this disease. People can collect rain water and also surface water from ponds and rivers which are free from arsenic.

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