Oct 3, 2015

Paragraph About Child Labour in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a developing country of the third world. Due to the rapid growth of population, the people of Bangladesh are getting poorer. Therefore, to secure a better living or simply to support their family, poor parents are engaging their children to work from a very early stage. All the child labourers in Bangladesh are manual workers. They have to work very hard to earn their living and the work is usually extremely difficult for them. They are obliged to work in cheap hotels and shops. Many children are found breaking stones or brick for house-building. They are also found doing dangerous work like welding. Some children work as street hawkers selling different items to the passers-by. Some work in factories, some polish boots and some even work as rickshaw-pullers. Child labourers are helpless and the employers take full advantage of this condition. They are given the least wages possible for the maximum labour. Sometimes they need to work for ten to fourteen hours but are not paid for their overtime. They are usually treated very harshly at their working places. At households they are tortured physically and mentally. They are usually given insufficient food and as a result, they suffer from malnutrition. Our government should think about this grim situation of child labour and promulgate a law against ill-treatment towards them. If these children are not provided with the basic necessaries of life, they would be an economic burden for us. 


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