Oct 5, 2015

Paragraph About MYSELF

Writing Paragraphs by Answering Question
Write a paragraph by answering the questions below:
Who are you?
What important events happened to your life?
How do you evaluate yourself?

I am Tipu Sultan. I am a second year student at HSC level. In the short span of my life, many important events happened. I took part at Primary Scholarship Examination and came out successfully. I also did not fail to achieve Junior Scholarship. My guardians, teachers, well-wishers felt very much proud of my results. When I attended the SSC examination, everyone was very much hopeful of my glorious results. I didn't shatter their hope and aspirations. I got GPA 5 and pleased every member to my family. I think, all of us can achieved good results if we worked hard. As I am devoted to my studies, I am optimistic about my success in every examination. In fact, I am very much hopeful of my successful life. I evaluate myself to be an ordinary boy like others. I am very much obedient to my parents. teachers and superiors. I am always punctual. I never hurt others and always wish the welfare of others.