Write a paragraph about 'Greenhouse Effect' by answering the questions below:
What is greenhouse effect?
How is it caused?
What is the main culprit for global warming?
What are the threats of global warming?
What measures can we take to prevent global warming?
What do you mean by greenhouse effect?
How is it created?
What is its effect and who are affected?
How can it be stopped?
What are the measures you prefer to stop it?
The greenhouse effect is the process by which the air surrounding the earth is becoming warmer day by day. In other words, it is the gradual warming of the air which ultimately results in the gradual increase in the world temperature. In short, the rise in atmospheric temperature is known as the greenhouse effect. The carbon dioxide is primarily responsible for temperature rise in atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is given off when coal and oil are burnt. As a result, the ice covering the North and South poles is melting and may eventually lead to a rise in sea levels which can flood many areas of the world. Scientists have already given warning that some parts of coastal countries including Bangladesh may go under water due to greenhouse effect. The total area of deserts is increasing every year. Many species of animals and plants are endangered with the threat of extinction. In order to protect ourselves from its catastrophic impact and to prevent global warming, we should take some effective measures. Therefore, deliberate cutting down of forests must be stopped. Tree plantation program should be adopted soon. Steps should be taken to put an end to the causes and sources of emitting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
nice post..................